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What Leaders Get Wrong About Data-Driven Decisions

By Bart de Langhe and Stefano Puntoni

Data-driven decision-making has been hailed as an antidote to the biases of human intuition. Companies have more data than ever, but surveys cast doubt on the effectiveness of data-driven  decisions in organizations. The majority of executives say their data analytics initiatives produce  disappointing results,iand only about a quarter of executives say their data analytics projects  produce actionable insights.ii 

There is a clue to the problem in the name “data-driven decision-making.” It’s data-driven.  

Data-driven often means taking data at face value 

Data have the potential to increase our understanding of how the world works, but using data to  make decisions is not by itself a safeguard against the influence of pre-existing beliefs and  incentives. 

Take the case of “Gwenn & Jenny’s,” an ice-cream vendor that wants to know how its online  advertising impacts sales.  

To answer this question, Twitter offers a three-step process.iii First, a data broker, like Datalogix,  shares identifying information from a brand’s customers with Twitter (like browser cookies,  email addresses, and phone numbers). Next, Twitter searches for these customers in their records  and, if there is a match, they add information about these customers’ activities on Twitter (like whether they viewed or clicked on the brand’s Tweets). Finally, analysts can compare purchase  decisions of customers who engaged with the brand on Twitter with purchase decisions of  customers who did not. 

Twitter’s approach invariably reveals stark differences: Customers that saw and engaged with a  brand on Twitter visit its stores more often, and they spend more on each visit. Taking these data  to suggest that social media advertising has a large impact on sales supports Twitter’s business  model. It’s also consistent with clients’ beliefs that social media advertising works and that its  effectiveness can easily be measured.  

Twitter has sold its three-step process to many companies. We use it in our teaching as an  example of flawed data-driven decision-making. 

Comparing customers who saw a brand’s content with customers who did not see the content is  like comparing apples and oranges. These customers differ in many other ways. Gwenn &  Jenny’s most loyal customers are more likely to engage with the brand on Twitter and they are  also more likely to buy the brand. They don’t buy because they saw the brand’s Tweets. They  buy because they like Gwenn & Jenny’s, and because they like Gwenn & Jenny’s, they follow 

the brand on Twitter. Twitter’s approach dramatically exaggerates the impact of advertising on  sales.  

Data-driven decision making starts from the data that is provided by data providers and data  scientists. This often leads decision-makers to accept data uncritically. 

Data-driven often means answering the wrong question 

Data-driven decision-making in practice often comes down to finding a purpose for data. Companies look for ways to extract insight from data they have collected, but the data that are  available may not be the data that are needed to make a decision.  

Take customer relationship management at “RollingBoulder”, a media company with a  subscription-based business model. RollingBoulder’s customers have annual memberships.  These can be renewed by completing a renewal letter, which the company sends to each  customer when a membership is about to expire. To reduce customer attrition, the organization  sometimes adds a “thank you” gift to renewal letters.iv 

Over the years, RollingBoulder has developed a rich dataset that describes past and current  customers along various dimensions (like zip code, when a customer first became a member, and  how a customer behaves on the website). The company has developed a sophisticated predictive  algorithm that quantifies the likelihood that an active member will churn. It then sends a gift to  the customers most likely to churn.  

This data-driven approach to churn management is considered best practice in the industry.v Unfortunately, it’s another example of flawed data-driven decision-making.  

RollingBoulder’s predictive algorithm gives a precise answer to the question “How likely is a  customer to churn?” This is valuable information. For example, it allows the firm to make  projections about the value of its customer base. However, it does not address the question that is  relevant here: “What is the effect of including a gift on a customer’s likelihood to churn?” This  question cannot be answered based on the available data. It requires collecting new data.  

Data-driven decision-making anchors on data that are available. This often leads decision-makers to focus on the wrong question. 

Decision-driven data analytics 

Decision-making shouldn’t be data-driven. Rather the opposite: Data analytics should be  decision-driven. 

Data-driven decision-making starts with data and the people who analyze them. Decision-driven  data-analytics starts with decisions and the people who make them. Data-driven decision-making 

is about finding a purpose for data. Decision-driven data analytics is about finding data for a  purpose.  

Data-driven decision-making Decision-driven data analytics
Starts from the data that are available Starts from the decision to be made
Find a question for an answer Find an answer to a question
Finding a purpose for data Finding data for a purpose
Emphasis on what is known Emphasis on what is unknown
Empowers data scientists Empowers decision makers

When we tell executives about the decision-driven approach to data analytics, some are quick to  point out a potential problem. They caution that decision-makers who utilize data to support a  decision that has already been made may be falling prey to confirmation bias. But that is not  decision-driven data analytics. That is “preference-driven data analytics,” and it might be the  worst way to make decisions—but unfortunately a very common one. 

Decision-driven data analytics involves two important steps. In the first step, it is the  responsibility of decision-makers to form a narrow consideration set of alternative courses of  action. In the second step, it is the joint responsibility of decision-makers and data scientists to  identify the data needed to figure out which course of action is best. 

Step 1: What are the alternative courses of action? 

In this step, decision-makers think “wide-then-narrow”. Many decisions are made on autopilot,  after considering only one course of action. This can harm the quality of decision-making.  Thinking “wide” means that decision-makers generate many alternative courses of action. To  illustrate, let’s go back to RollingBoulder. If the business objective is to increase the value of its  customer base, a “thank you” gift to reduce churn is just one of many possible courses of action.  The company could also improve customer development (e.g., through up- or cross-selling),  make investments to acquire new customers (e.g., through sales promotions), or improve  editorial content (e.g., by hiring new writers). 

However, too many alternatives can make the problem intractable from a managerial and data analytic perspective. Thinking “narrow” means that decision-makers use their judgment to  winnow courses of action, for instance because of anticipated difficulties in implementation, or lack of support from top management. For instance, the customer relationship manager at  RollingBoulder may realize that improving editorial content falls outside her responsibilities. 

By thinking “wide-then-narrow” decision-makers increase the likelihood that the final  consideration set includes high-quality and feasible courses of action. 

Step 2: What data do we need in order to rank alternative courses of action? 

In the second step, decision-makers and data scientists develop criteria to discriminate and rank  the alternative courses of action selected in the first step. The goal of data analytics is to turn  unknowns into knowns, so that alternative courses of action can be ranked more objectively.

Starting from the decision draws attention to unknowns, and this has a major advantage. It makes  it immediately obvious that there are limits to what can be known and that unknowns can be  tackled in many different ways. For instance, if you tell people that Interbrand has determined  that the Mastercard brand is worth $9,430M, and ranks 62th in the world,vi most people will take  this point estimate and rank at face value. That’s one of the problems with data-driven decision making, as we saw in the Gwenn and Jenny’s example. Instead, if you ask people what they  think the Mastercard brand is worth, most will realize that brand value is a complex multi dimensional construct that can be quantified only imperfectly, and in different ways. They are  correct. Kantar Millward Brown estimates the Mastercard brand to be worth $91,929M (ranked  12th in the world)vii and Brand Finance estimates it at $18,293M (ranked 94th in the world).viii Starting from what is unknown highlights that the world is complex and uncertain.  

Decision-driven data analytics is not about collecting as much data as possible. It’s crucial to  consider the value of data. If one would take the same decision before turning an unknown into a  known than after, then there is no benefit of engaging in data collection and analysis.  

Oftentimes, data that are collected for the purpose of making a decision have more value than  data that are already available. RollingBoulder had to decide whether to add a gift to a  customer’s renewal letter. To make this decision, the company needed to know how sending a  gift influences a customer’s likelihood to churn. This question cannot be addressed based on the  available data. It requires running a randomized controlled trial (an RCT, or A/B test):  Customers are randomly selected to receive the gift or not, and the company then observes which  customers churn and which customers stay.  

Step 3: What is the best course of action? 

The final step should be easy. If the first two steps were executed well, data analytics will now  reveal the best course of action.  

Analyzing the data from the RCT, RollingBoulder learned an important lesson. The gift  successfully reduced churn likelihood for some customers, but it backfired for others. The  customers that were least likely to churn without the intervention became even less likely to  churn when targeted with the intervention. Instead, the customers that were most likely to churn  without the intervention became even more likely to churn when targeted with the intervention.  In other words, the company had always been targeting precisely the wrong customers, along  with many other businesses that blindly follow the “best-practice” of targeting high-risk  customers.  


Decision-driven data analytics emphasizes the importance of asking questions, and thus, the  importance of managerial judgment. The job of decision-makers is not to accept or reject data  and analyses offered by data scientists. Their job is to critically reflect on alternative courses of  action, and the data and analyses that are needed to make a decision. All this is done before any 

analyses are performed. This encourages decision-makers to make their beliefs about the world  explicit. It draws attention to unknowns and the value of additional data collection and analysis. 

Pablo Picasso once said: “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”


i See here: 

1912/?leadSourceMostRecent=Social%20Media&leadSource=Social%20Media&campaignID=7 01330000012mjlAAA&leadSourceDescription=HCKT%20Download:%20Key%20Issues%202 0Q1IT%20-%20SM 

ii See here: fixed.pdf 

iii See here: 

iv “RollingBoulder” is modeled after a company described in Ascarza (2018). See here: 

v See for instance here: 

vi See here: 


vii See here: viii See here: